Jane Vaynman

Jane Vaynman

Jane Vaynman is the Associate Director of the Institute for Security and Conflict Studies and Research Instructor at the Elliott School of International Affairs. She received her Ph.D. in Government from Harvard University. Her research focuses on security cooperation between adversarial states, the design of arms control agreements, and the nuclear nonproliferation regime.


All Posts

CW Destruction and the Field Deployable Hydrolysis System

Minot AFB Investigation, meet FOIA

Nuclear Forensics Team to the Rescue

Dimona Lookin all Pretty on Google Earth

Questioning Russia's Bomb Test

Iran Event on Thursday

"Pief" Panofsky, renowned physicist and arms control advocate, dies at 88

Who's Your Daddy?

US Bomber Accidentally Transports Nukes

Nunn-Lugar to the Rescue!

Think and Drink on Thursday

The Nicest Bathroom in Israel

Sneaky Terrorists and Smoky Bombs

Think and Drink Next Thursday

Deploy the Spy Squirrels

Putin Suspends CFE

Gone Fishin'

Gabala Radar: Instead of vs. in Addition to

Russia Goodbye

Counter-Proliferation in Taiwan

From Putin, An Offer You Can't Refuse

"This is a test of the emergency…"

How 80's Pop Protects You from the Nukes

Russia Wants a BDA Money Permission Slip

Still Working it Out on the India deal

Larijani tries to resign, for the 5th time

Russian HEU + AQ Khan = New Nuke Book

Bolton on North Korea

Submarine Dismantlement Trudges On

INF Debate Shifts (plus a look back at 1987)

Victor Cha heads back to G-town

Show Me the Money

New GAO Report on MPC&A

Probably Unreliable Iran Rumors

Bomb Scare, good bedtime reading

Policy Changes, Podvig on Russia & Bushehr

Russia, Iran deny uranium ultimatum story

Congo nuclear official arrested

Vote fast, contest ends tomorrow

DOE Announcement on RRW Today

Miss Atom Vote!

Not So Peaceful Skies: More INF Concerns

Putin Appoints New Defense Minister

Russia Questions INF, Again

Hot or Not?

Trouble for Ahmadinejad

Jordan seeks nuclear energy program

Responses to Chinese test

Now approaching midnight

Truthiness comes to nonproliferation

How long would it take Japan?

More Iran and more Israeli bunkers

Polonium-210 mysteries continue

Russia-Iran meetings on Bushehr

NK offering uranium to Russia?

No Ipods for Kim Jong Il

Assassination by Polonium

Two horses + commandos = Russian HEU

North Korean Ghost Ship

Nuclear Power for Everyone!

"There is no fighting in the War Room"

On sale now: Israeli bomb shelters

Why has North Korea decided to negotiate?

Barack Obama on Nonproliferation

The best move is not to play

North Korea plutonium test confirmed

Russian interests in the 123 Agreement

Almost New Illicit Trafficking Database

North Korea's banking trouble

Only you can prevent forest fires

From Russia with Love

Hoping Everything’s Not Lost

We Are Monkeys

If You Believe They Put a Man on the Moon