Harry Halem

Harry is the Intern and a Contributor at Arms Control Wonk. Harry writes the regular FYRP feature, and also helps our major contributors and other guests edit their contributions into our blog’s software format. Harry is a senior at Phillips Exeter Academy and is interested in arms control, diplomacy and international affairs.


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  1. In: Me, in DC on Friday

    Provided Yelp is correct and I can get into The Big Hunt, the Wonktern shall be in attendance as well!
  1. In: Statistical Diplomacy: A Bayesian Inference Tool for the P5+1+Iran Negotiations

    Dear Hass, My spreadsheet analysis is a tool that can be modified. If you or the Iranian diplomatic team want…
  1. In: Statistical Diplomacy: A Bayesian Inference Tool for the P5+1+Iran Negotiations

    Dear Dr. Lundgren, I will look to incorporate your suggestions in a revised version of the model in the future.…


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