Mark Hibbs

Mark Hibbs

Mark Hibbs is a senior associate in Carnegie’s Nuclear Policy Program, based in Berlin. Before joining Carnegie, for over twenty years he was an editor and correspondent for nuclear energy publications including Nucleonics Week and Nuclear Fuel, published by the Platts division of the McGraw-Hill Companies.


All Posts

IAEA Safeguards and Nuclear Disarmament Verification

Turkey’s Nuclear Turbines

Ukraine: ZNPP Reactor Restarts

ZNPP Risk: No Silver Bullet

ZNPP: Peaceful Use Verification Obligations

Make the IAEA Mission to ZNPP Happen

Scratching Erdogan’s Nuclear Itch

KSA and Part 810: Inform Congress

KSA: Outliers and Firewalls

Safeguards for Saudi Arabia

Implement the JCPOA

Australia and Nuclear Submarines

Moon’s Phase-Out: What does it imply?

The Long Demise of the German H-List

Rethinking China’s Fast Reactor

Iran Nuclear Propulsion: IAEA Firewalls

Admitting Non-NPT Members: Questions for the NSG

The IAEA’s Conclusion About Turkey

Proliferation and the PKK

Turkey’s Interests and Tanideh

India’s Bilateral Obligations

Amano’s Move on Marivan

Senators and South Africa

Revisiting Enrichment for Bushehr

The T-Word & Iran Negotiations

Looking Back at Brazil’s Boreholes

Iran’s Centrifuges and Bushehr

China, Amano, and Japan’s Plutonium

Deconstructing Sherman on PMD

Handling Iran’s Weaponization File

The IAEA after the Iran Deal

The IR-40 and Diplomacy

Pakistan’s Next Chinese Reactor

Packing Pistols in Vienna

Iran and Secondary Uranium Sources

Nooks and Crannies in Iran

Closing the Iran File

LBJ’s Safeguards Legacy

Safeguards in the Spotlight

Reconverting Iran’s U3O8 to UF6

MJ, the 123, and the SLA

South Korea’s Nuclear Defense

Helping Iran Make TRR Fuel

Chinese Chashma Poker Chip?

Heading for the Wire on US-ROK 123

Uranium in Saharan Sands

Assad’s Uranium Inventory

An Iran Deal Buy-In for Russia?

New From NSA on Pollard

The Fate of the IAEA’s PMD File

Amano at CFR on PMD and SLC

SLA versus SLC

Russia’s Safeguards Problem

Three Messages from GOV/2012/48

IAEA Inspectors’ Risk in Iran

Taiwan and the ‘Gold Standard’

China and the POE DPRK Report

China and DPRK Sanctions-Busting

No BOG Iran Work Plan Endorsement

The NPT, the NSG, and the AAAS

“Engage Iran” — What Does It Mean?

Iran’s Quest for the F6 in its UF6

Who Wants Diplomacy on Iran?

An IAEA Conversation with Rafsanjani

DPRK and Non-Compliance at GC/55

Reporting to the Board of Governors

Condi Rice & FRG on Sino-Pak deal

After GOV/40: Tale of Two Narratives

Moving forward on China, Pakistan, and the NSG

A Bridge Too Far? Syria & GOV/40

Is Mrs. Merkel Irrational?

Chinese Help on Khushab-4?

Riyadh Redux

China Peeps about Plutonium

Iran, the NAM, and Amano

Saudi Arabian Uranium Enrichment?

Most Recent Comments

  1. In: The Golden Age of Nuclear Arms Control

    Michael, l'm looking forward to your book. In the meantime, I'd be interested in your thoughts bringing this forward to…
  1. In: KSA: Outliers and Firewalls

    Tom Cochran’s intervention is almost in its entirety a plea for his ideas about nuclear power. I am pleased that…
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    Zach, to be clear: In the post I never entered into the debate concerning claims by lawmakers, supported by the…


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