Jeffrey LewisSATANAC

We have official word about Bob Einhorn’s new role at State — he is the U.S. Coordinator for Iran and North Korea Sanctions.

That acronym works out to CINKS (as in, throwing everything at them, including the Kitchen CINK), but the striped pants wags around Foggy Bottom have done one better.

Einhorn is currently the SANAC (Say-nack) — Special Advisor for Nonproliferation and Arms Control. Why not make him the Special Advisor for Targeted Sanctions, Nonproliferation and Arms Control.

You know, SATANAC.

Anyway, I still like The Dentist. Here is the full announcement:

Special Advisor for Nonproliferation and Arms Control Robert J. Einhorn to Serve as U.S. Coordinator for Iran and North Korea Sanctions

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton announced that Robert J. Einhorn, Special Advisor for Nonproliferation and Arms Control, will serve as the U.S. coordinator for the implementation of sanctions related to Iran and North Korea. He will take on these new responsibilities while continuing to provide advice and support to Secretary Clinton, the Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, and other Department Principals on the range of nonproliferation and arms control matters.

On Iran, Mr. Einhorn will direct U.S. efforts to ensure full and effective implementation of all UN Security Council resolutions related to Iran, including most recently UNSCR 1929. He will lead U.S. efforts with partners and allies around the world to strengthen multilateral and national measures to impede Iranian proliferation activities; these efforts will support the broader U.S. commitment to the dual-track policy espoused by the P5+1 to address international concerns about Iran’s nuclear program.

On North Korea, Mr. Einhorn will similarly coordinate U.S. sanctions-related efforts, particularly those aimed at preventing the DPRK’s acquisition or transfer of proliferation-related equipment or technology, including the full implementation of UNSCRs 1718 and 1874. In this regard, he will assume the responsibilities formerly held by Ambassador Philip Goldberg, who is now serving as Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research.

Mr. Einhorn previously served in the State Department for 29 years, including as Assistant Secretary of State for Nonproliferation during the Administration of William J. Clinton.


  1. Allen Thomson (History)

    > On Iran, Mr. Einhorn will direct U.S. efforts to ensure full and effective implementation of all UN Security Council resolutions related to Iran…

    Would someone who understands how such things are done explain how, in practice, Mr Einhorn will effectively implement policies to that end? Does he pick up the phone and tell the Secretary of Commerce or DHS/ICE or whomever to do or not to do stuff? Does he convene meetings at sub-Cabinet levels and get the participants to go back home and try to get stuff done? Or what?

  2. Azr@el (History)

    The great SATANAC?

  3. Billy Pilgrim (History)

    <i>Why not make him the Special Advisor for Targeted Sanctions, Nonproliferation and Arms Control.</i>

    Which spells out as SATSNAC, by the way.