Jeffrey LewisSuspect Missile Facility Near Tabriz, Iran

Remember that crazy, though possibly true BM-25 story? One detail in the story, originally published by Bild, was that BND had identified a suspect facility near Tabriz.

Reader Allen Thomson noticed that someone recently ordered a Digital Globe Image of Tabriz and found what looks a lot like a missile facility to me at 38.252 N, 46.128 E.

Update: I think this is the text in German:

Bei Täbriz, 600 Kilometer nordwestlich von Teheran, ortete die deutsche Aufklärung eine stationäre Starteinrichtung für den Test von silogestützten Raketen (Entfernung Berlin ca. 2900 Kilometer). Im Klartext: Der „Irre von Teheran“ könnte von dort Ziele in ganz Deutschland erreichen!

If anyone can find the original text, I’d be indebted.


  1. BJR

    Translation by a native German speaker: “Near Täbriz, 600 kilometers northwest of Teheran, the German intelligence (or clearing, enlightenment) located a stationary starting system (there is probably a fix term for that) for the test of silo-supported rockets (distance from Berlin approximately 2900 kilometers). In plain language: From there, the “Madman of Teheran” could reach targets all over Germany!”

  2. Giorgio Franceschini (History)

    The article you mention is not retrievable from the “Bild” online archive any more. But a nice German beer drinker copied it from to this (not very sober) Website more than 2 years ago:,11795.html.
    You find the article “BND Geheimbericht – Irans Raketen reichen bald bis nach Berlin” in the middle of the page. That’s the only source I found, so far.

  3. Geoffrey Forden (History)

    Why does this look like a missile facility to you? I ask because, except for vertical test stands, I’ve never been able to discern a unique characteristic to missile production facilities. The underground facilities are very interesting however.

  4. Giorgio Franceschini (History)
  5. Martin Dirksen (History)

    Dear Jeffrey,

    Always willing to support I was looking for the BILD-Article, I searched several ( partly obscure) blogs etc. There must have been an article by at 12/15/2005 or 12/16/2005 where Bild, the main German tabloid referred to a report from the BND. Unfortunatley they do not have that article online anymore. But I think I still can help: at the same day Handelsblatt ( a newspaper that is reporting about the economy from a liberal-conservative position) and die LInkszeitung ( leftish newspaper) both referr to the BILD-Zeitung and ther quoting of the BND article.
    See the following Links:
    I assume that you speak German and i am quite sure that you personally are familiar with the German press, so please do not feel offended about my comments. But maybe some of your international readers are less familiar with these details. If i can be of further help please let me know.
    Sincerley Yours
    Martin Dirksen-Fischer

  6. FSB

    Is it really that surprising that Tehran would choose to protect itself from Israeli nuke attack by having some deterrent force?… under the assumption that this really is a missile facility.

  7. Jeffrey Lewis (History)

    I can’t speak a word of German, so I am not the least offended.

  8. Jeffrey Lewis (History) 15.12.2005 BND-Geheimbericht Irans Raketen reichen bald bis Berlin! Von EINAR KOCH
    Der „Irre von Teheran”: Irans Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad (49) winkt fanatischen Anhängern zu
    Hamburg – Irans Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad, der gefährlichste Mann der Welt, der Israel auslöschen will, kann mit seinen Raketen schon bald Berlin erreichen!
    Nach Erkenntnissen des Bundesnachrichtendienstes (BND) hat der Iran von Nordkorea 18 Raketen-Bausätze des mobilen Typs BM-25 (Reichweite 2500 Kilometer) gekauft. Diese läßt Ahmadinedschad auf Basis der russischen U-Boot-Rakete SS-N-6 auf 3500 Kilometer Reichweite aufrüsten. Dies entspricht exakt der Entfernung Teheran-Berlin.
    Bisher war nur bekannt, daß der Iran über Shehab-3 Raketen mit 1300 Kilometer Reichweite verfügt. Der BND warnt angesichts der neuen Bedrohung durch weiterreichende Systeme: „Deutschland und andere Teile Europas könnten durch das iranische Raketenprogramm mittel- bis langfristig direkt betroffen sein.”
    Weiter heißt es in einem neuen Geheimbericht des BND (liegt BILD vor): „Mit den künftigen größeren Reichweiten, verbunden mit der vermutlich angestrebten nuklearen Bestückung, wäre der Iran in der Lage, ganz Israel sowie Teile Mitteleuropas zu erreichen.” Das Regime in Teheran strebe die „Fähigkeit zum Ersteinsatz” an. Dadurch würde das Bedrohungsszenario für die Nato und Deutschland „verändert”.
    Dem BND liegen Erkenntnisse vor, daß sich iranische Experten bereits intensiv mit der Anbringung nuklearer Wirkladungen an Raketengefechtsköpfen beschäftigen.
    Bei Täbriz, 600 Kilometer nordwestlich von Teheran, ortete die deutsche Aufklärung eine stationäre Starteinrichtung für den Test von silogestützten Raketen (Entfernung Berlin ca. 2900 Kilometer). Im Klartext: Der „Irre von Teheran” könnte von dort Ziele in ganz Deutschland erreichen!
    Auch die USA rücken ins Visier! Laut BND wurde kürzlich eine Lieferung von Aluminiumringen aus China entdeckt. Dabei handele es sich um Bauteile, die „prinzipiell für den Bau eines mehrstufigen Flugkörpers mit einem Reichweitenpotential von bis zu 10 000 Kilometer verwendet werden können.”
    US-Präsident George W. Bush warnte gestern: „Der Iran ist eine wirkliche Bedrohung!” Er bekräftigte: Zusammen mit Nordkorea und dem Vorkriegs-Irak zähle das Regime in Teheran zur „Achse des Bösen”.

  9. Alex (History)

    Caveat Note: Bild has similar credibility as a news source to the New York Post, if not the National Inquirer.

    “Aufklarung” is ambiguous between “intelligence” and “reconnaissance”; frex the East German secret service was the Hauptverwaltung Aufklarung (Chief Directorate of Intelligence) and the German army has “panzeraufklarer” units, i.e. armoured/mechanised reconnaissance.

    It could be a reference to Germany’s SARLupe radar imaging sat.

  10. hass (History)

    Even assuming this is a missle facility – So what? Iran doesn’t exactly make a secret out of its missile program, and would be violating no law or treaty by building missiles. So what’s the big deal?

  11. Cernig (History)

    Is this the Space Center Iran has just announced, or perhaps an ancillary facility? Or is it unconnected?

    Regards, C

  12. froghopper (History)

    I’m not a German native speaker, but live there:

    Mahmud Ahmadinedschad, president of Iran and the most dangerous man in the world, who wants to annihilate Israel, will soon have Berlin within reach of his rockets!

    According to the analysis of the BND [a German intelligence agency], Iran has bought 18 unassembled mobile rockets of type BM-25 (range 2500 km). Ahmadinedschad then had the rockets remodelled, based on the Russian submarine rocket SS-N-6, to obtain a 3500 km range. This is exactly the distance Teheran-Berlin.

    Until recently it was only known that Iran posessed Shehab-3 rockets, with a range of 1300 km. The BND has issued a wide-ranging warning based on this new threat: “Germany and other parts of Europe could in the medium to long term be directly affected by the Iranian rocket program.”

    According to a recent and secret BND report, in the possession of BILD [the publisher of this article]: “With the future longer ranges and the nuclear capability probably under development, Iran could reach all of Israel as well as parts of central Europe.” The Iranian regime searches to obtain a “first-strike capability”. This would “change” the threat picture for NATO and

    The BND has information that Iranian experts currently work hard at placing nuclear devices in rocket warheads.

    [Near Täbriz, 600 kilometers northwest of Teheran, the German
    intelligence [or clearing, enlightenment] located a stationary starting system (there is probably a fix term for that) for the test of silo-supported rockets (distance from Berlin approximately 2900 kilometers). In plain language: From there, the “Madman of Teheran” could reach targets all over Germany!]

    Also the US is entering the sights [of Iran]. According to the BND, a delivery of aluminum rings from China has been discovered. These building parts “have as their main use the construction of a multi-stage rocket body with a range of potentially up to 10000 km.”

    Bush warned yesterday: “Iran is a real threat”. He confirmed: Together with North Korea and pre-war Iraq, the Teheran regime is
    part of the “axis of evil.”

  13. anon

    huge base, if you look closely, you will notice a security perimeter all around it on the mountain ridges stretching for more than 7mi.

    (and is that a rocket on a trailer, upper left to the pin – almost 7 meters long? Too pixely for my wonky eyes. And what are those pipes/tubes down the south east?)

  14. FSB

    Aluminum Rings?! Do I need to tell you what you can do with aluminum rings????!!!

    No way…watch this

  15. FSB

    frickin VIACOM took the video off — here it is