Bouphonia discovers just how easy it is to be the Arms Control Wonk:
Yesterday, I discussed an apocryphal Iranian magazine article called “Electronics to Determine Fate of Future Wars,” which supposedly threatened the United States with an electromagnetic pulse attack, via aerial detonation of a nuclear weapon. I wasn’t able to find the article online, and wondered whether it actually existed.
Well, it does.
There are a couple of interesting things about it. First and foremost, it contains no discussion of an EMP attack against the United States.
For that matter, it contains no discussion of an EMP attack against anyone.
In fact, it contains no mention of nuclear weapons whatsoever.
Shachtman picked it up; Schwellenbach plans a major expose on these clowns. I’ve written about some of the conflicts of interest in this field before.
Here is the original document.
Alex Montgomery actually sent it to me.