Jeffrey LewisTomorrow: Panel and Happy Hour

Just a reminder, dear colleagues and friends, I am giving a talk tomorrow at 4 pm at the Carnegie Endowment, followed by a happy hour at the Big Hunt.

Here are the details:

On behalf of Physicians for Social Responsibility, you are invited to “Steps to Zero,” an informative talk on steps the next administration and Congress can take towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons. This will be followed by a small wine and cheese reception.

Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 4:00 to 5:30 p.m.

Location: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1779 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20036

Speakers: Dr. Edward Ifft, Jenifer Mackby, Sharon Squassoni and Dr. Jeffrey Lewis

Am planning to bring a giant bucket of cold water.

RSVP to jparillo[at]


  1. Haninah (History)

    I’d love to be there, but have another commitment. Good luck, and say hi to the Hunt for me!