Paul KerrDid You Get That Memo?

I have previously noted Wade Boese’s article explaining that, despite previous Bush administration claims, the BBC China interdiction was not a PSI operation.

For whatever reason, SecState Rice decided around that time to argue that the “PSI provided the framework for action in the 2003 interdiction of the ship BBC China,” rather than saying the interdiction was a PSI operation.

Alas, whoever wrote today’s Washington Times oped with her name on it didn’t get the memo.

According to this gem:

An early success of the PSI — the 2003 interdiction of the BBC China — shows how cooperative international efforts can stop proliferators in their tracks and prevent the exploitation of vital trade flows.

Strong work.


  1. J (History)

    Condi’s people will surely blame the Cypriot Foreign Ministry for the error.

  2. Michael Roston (History)

    Maybe I should write another letter to the editor which they can then publish.

    Remember my Two Minutes Hate tagline, Paul: in the conservative press, there are no editors, just enablers.

  3. Felix Deutsch (History)

    But she is a sharecropper’s daughter! And she plays the piano!