Jeffrey LewisDoreen and Jim McElvany 2010 Nonproliferation Challenge

And, while we’re doing public service announcements for the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, let me remind readers that CNS is again hosting the Doreen and Jim McElvany 2010 Nonproliferation Challenge.

First prize is 10 Gs. Seriously, who can’t use a little extra baksheesh these days?

The due date is 11:59 PM (Eastern time, North America), May 31, 2010:

The James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) at the Monterey Institute of International Studies strives to combat the spread of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons to state and non-state actors by training the next generation of nonproliferation specialists and disseminating timely information based on cutting-edge research and analysis.

In order to spur new thinking and policy initiatives to address today’s most urgent proliferation threats, CNS and its journal, the Nonproliferation Review, created an essay competition to identify and publish the most outstanding new scholarly papers in the nonproliferation field. Our priority is to generate new insights and specific recommendations for resolving today’s nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons challenges, including those involving both state and non-state actors.


This competition is open to persons worldwide, except for current faculty, staff, interns, and students of the Monterey Institute of International Studies, past winners of this competition, and anyone involved in reviewing or judging submissions. To be eligible for the student prize, an entrant must be enrolled at a college or university at the time of submission. A team of authors comprising one or more students and non-students is not eligible for the student prize.

  • Students are eligible for the grand prize.

How to Enter

On or before May 31, 2010, e-mail your entry to essaycontest [at] A valid entry consists of two parts:

1. a completed official cover sheet [Word DOC] indicating the name(s) of the author(s), address, telephone number(s), e-mail address(es), indication of status as a student at the time of entry (yes or no, undergraduate or graduate), date of birth, title of the submission, and a one paragraph biography of the author(s) (the cover sheet is the only place where this information should appear); and

2. the submitted essay.

Past Grand Prize Winners are Ward Wilson for The Myth of Nuclear Deterrence and Anne Harrington de Santana.

Think you can do better?


  1. hass (History)

    Course, there’s no Grand Prize on disarmament, is there?