Jeffrey LewisShachtman Back In Town, May 3 at Big Hunt

Noah is back on town next week, which means … we get our annual chance to watch him vomit on some unsuspecting intern’s penny loafers!

Sorry kid. Welcome to Washington.

The impending mayhem—which I believe is the third annual Arms Control Wonk v. Whoever Cut Noah a Check This Month—will happen, as it did last year, at The Big Hunt (1345 Connecticut Avenue, NW) on Thursday, May 3 around 7 o’clock.

We will be upstairs, in the Jane Vaynman Conference Center

If you’re thinking of hanging out, gimme some electronic lovin’ at armscontrolwonk [at]—or leave a comment here or within the confines of the Danger Room.


  1. BJR

    Jane Vaynman Conference Center! Classic.

  2. Haninah (History)

    Brilliant! Can we get a plaque put up in her honor? Perhaps next to the mural of the hunter being devoured by the oversized bunny-rabbit?