Jeffrey LewisVacation

Well, folks, the UMD e-mail has been down for a couple of days and, just as it comes back tomorrow, I will be arriving in London to decompress—safely out of contact with e-mail or Bush-supporters (slim chance that I’ll run into Tony Blair).

I’ll be posing as a Canadian.

I won’t be posting again until January 6 or so. In the interim, I’ve asked Paul to make a couple of posts when ACT isn’t running his life.

But, mostly, we’ll be off-line. That doesn’t mean the newscycle will stop. Perhaps someone will toss his (or her) hat into the ring for IAEA DG before the December 31 deadline, though the smart money says that won’t happen.


  1. Greg (History)

    Have a great time. London is a fun city. I’d be saying that more privately but you can’t read e-mail and we all know you’ll be obsessively checking while overseas …

    Also, and I’m sure Dan would attest, I highly recommend Sega World on many bottles of Hooch.

  2. Dan (History)

    and there’s a Chili’s in the Docklands with a great happy hour.