The American Forces Press Service has a heartwarming story today about an Iraqi kitten that was adopted by a company in the 4th Infantry Division in Iraq and eventually settled into a home in the United States, entitled “Pfc. Hammer Finds a Home.”
“A tiger-striped Iraqi kitten that wiggled its way into the hearts of a U.S. Army unit has made its way to the United States, thanks to a host of volunteers and two animal welfare groups.”
As a homeless kitten, “Pfc. Hammer” has been treated much better than Ms. Nicole Goodwin, a single mother recently returned from the 1st Armored Division in Iraq, who the New York Times profiles today in a story about homeless veterans from Iraq.
A plea by a soldier to find a home for the kitten “brought the war home for us,” according to Alley Cat Allies national director Becky Robinson. “This was a soldier in Iraq writing us. How could we say no to a soldier in Iraq fighting for freedom?”
I/’d like to ask someone the same question about Ms. Goodwin and her 1 year old daughter, Shylah.