Jeffrey LewisSpy Story Pure Crap

Hey, remember that front page Washington Times story by Bill Gertz reporting that “China’s intelligence service gained access to a secret National Security Agency listening post in Hawaii through a Chinese-language translation service”?

Well, according to Chris Nelson, DoD officials who have read the investigation documents are calling the story “patently false” and “pure crap.”

Here is the full-text of the relevant section from the Nelson Report.


DOD/CHINA SPY…dramatic front page story in The Washington Times this morning claims a DOD investigation has revealed Chinese spy penetration thru a “front company” in Hawaii involved in teaching Chinese language.

Informed sources who have read the DOD investigation documents have expressed themselves in the language used in our headline…the follow-on quote actually said “pure c—p”, but we fear for various spam guards, so will be delicate about this.

Informed sources say the DOD investigation found (their paraphrase), “not surprisingly, people involved in Chinese language training do have personal contacts with Chinese from time to time. And it will not surprise you that perhaps a few of these individuals have personal relationships”.

But for the Washington Times version of the DOD report? “Patently false, it’s absolute total c—p. It’s not even close. It’s just not true that there is a PRC ‘front company’ doing translation services in Hawaii…”

OK…guess that clarifies that!


  1. Lao Tao Ren (History)

    You mean that the Dragon Slayers are not infallible?

    Have this visual of the Panda Huggers circling Bill Gertz in alliance with the Chinese Eagle Kissers and Uncle Sam Smiters giving him the Siberian Tigers’ permanent cure for fallibility.

  2. FOARP (History)

    “not surprisingly, people involved in Chinese language training do have personal contacts with Chinese from time to time. And it will not surprise you that perhaps a few of these individuals have personal relationships”.

    But for the Washington Times version of the DOD report? “Patently false, it’s absolute total c—p. It’s not even close. It’s just not true that there is a PRC ‘front company’ doing translation services in Hawaii…”

    Errmmm . . . . So was there spy penetration or not? Sounds like at least some people had put themselves in compromising positions with Chinese aquaintainces of theirs, a not unfamiliar pattern.

  3. Bill (History)

    Chris Nelson is the one who is full of it. His liberal sources couldn’t find a Chinese spy if they tried. As for “personal relationships,” isn’t that what these pro-China officials said about the convicted Chinese spy and former DIA analyst Ron Montaperto? Montaperto passed top-secret intelligence to Chinese military intelligence officials through his personal relationships, and he was defended, in a letter to the sentencing judge, by none other than Lonnie Henley, who is currently the National Intelligence Officer for East Asia, within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (and also a close personal friend of the convicted spy Montaperto.)
    The story is true and accurate, and unless someone from the NCIS says otherwise, an anonymous source who allegedly read a DoD report (NCIS did the investigation, not DoD)it is Nelson and his pro-China sources who are full of crap. — Bill Gertz

  4. Allen Thomson

    > — Bill Gertz

    The real and veritable Bill Gertz? Not someone trying to parody him?

  5. Jeffrey Lewis (History)

    As you know, Montaperto plead guilty to improperly storing classified documents.

    That is a crime, one for which he was punished, but it is not the same thing as being a “convicted Chinese spy.”

  6. anonymous (History)

    Bill Gertz works for the Washington Times. It was founded by a cult leader who thinks he’s the Messiah. Who has a cred problem now?